Web design with an eye for usability

Rather than just taking the requirements of a job and producing exactly what is asked for, I like a good look at how something should work. If I can make suggestions for a better experience then I will suggest a change. Sometimes I get overruled, but often I can come to an agreement with the site owners about a usable and positive experience. A bad experience on the internet can often lead to disastrous results.

Some work I have done...

Ada Regional United WayAda Regional United Way

Ada Regional United Way was struggling with their existing web service. They didn't have any help in getting a successful website off the ground. The existing site had numerous mistakes and needed to have a custom design that reflected United Way. The result is a website that works for them and looks like a United Way organizational website.

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Ada Regional United WayMajestic Fundraising

I recently completed some work for Majestic Fundraising, Inc. They needed a completely new website that could feature the various products they offer. I also did photographic work for the site. See the completed project.

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Ada Regional United WayApex Bicycles of Ada

A new bike shop opened in Ada. The first day I was able to meet the owner he was stuggling on the phone with his internet/hosting provider. I stepped in, cleared up the issues with his provider, and offered to complete his website.

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In Progress

Ada Regional United WayTeam PG13

I am a member of a Bicycle Racing Team based out of Oklahoma City. I've been racing with them for about 1 year now and I wanted to find a way to give back to the team. The website needs a new design and I couldn't think of a better way to show my appreciation.

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Corporate Work

I work for Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. as a website designer. I started working with Pre-Paid Legal 9 years ago to assist with website design and maintenance. In the years since that time I have been the primary designer for most of Pre-Paid Legal's outward facing websites.

Ada Regional United WayAssociates Only Portal

Sales Associates over the United States and Canada use the Associates Only portal to obtain news and information to support their Pre-Paid Legal business. The site includes sales and genealogy reporting, training and event schedules and registraion, and other sales resources.

I served as the primary designer for this project. Implementation was completed by a team of programmers and designers.

Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3

Ada Regional United WayPre-Paid Legal Multisites

Sales Associates get a collection of websites to market their Pre-Paid Legal business online. If they subscribe to an eService plan they can get up to 8 websites to market to specific segements of the market, or to recruit new Associates.

I served as the primary designer for this project. Implementation was completed by myself and a team of programmers.

Opportunity, Membership, Group Marketing, Insurance Professionals, Small Business, Commerical Drivers, Identity Theft

Ada Regional United WayPre-Paid Legal Hub Site

The Hub site is a customizable website that allows Associates to send potential members or recruits to one page with information and links to multiple plan or recruiting sites.

I served as the primary designer for this project. Implementation was completed by myself and a team of programmers.

Sample 1, Sample 2

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Ada Regional United WayPre-Paid Legal Corporate Site

This site is Pre-Paid Legal's current corporate website presence. This site is a bit older than Pre-Paid Legal's other sites and a new site is currently in development.

I served as the primary designer for this project. Implementation was completed by myself and a team of programmers and designers.

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